How the Central Texas Region, of the AACA started
The first meeting to discuss forming an AACA chapter/region in Austin was held on January 29, 1987. About 15 local car enthusiasts filled out an application and submitted it to AACA. The rest, as they say, is history. At the first meeting, membership rose to 26. By May of 1987 the club was producing a club newsletter called “Fender Talk”.
The FenderTalk newsletter is an AACA award winning publication that is now sent to all members electronically every month. It includes photos of recent outings, stories from members, technical advice, a list of upcoming events and even a word from our club president. It is an excellent way for members to stay in touch with the club if they missed our monthly meeting or a club outing (we call them “tours”).
Monthly Meetings:
The club is back to meeting face to face once a month on every second Tuesday of the month at the Catfish Parlor on Ben White Blvd, in Austin.
At these monthly meetings we conduct club business such as planning tours, parties, elect officers and board members. We also have a member presentation that could be about their car project, a recent car show, a technical session, sometimes even a auto related game.
Pate Swap Meet:
Multiple Texas car clubs have formed an association for the management of the annual Pate Swap Meet that is typically held the last Thursday in April at the Texas Motor Speedway in Fort Worth, Texas. Members from each club perform the necessary duties for planning and conducting the swap meet. In return the clubs share in the proceeds from the swap meet. It is a huge event with many vendors. A great place to find (or sell) parts.